Nine Thoughts, Prayers and Aspirations
Fr. Isidore O’Brien, O.F.M.
"Saint Francis of Assisi was truly the savior of his own society and civilization, and no saint may be more profitably invoked today, since many of the social maladies of his time are present in our own. His emphasis, which exactly duplicated our Lord’s emphasis, upon individual responsibility and personal sanctity, is the only true means whereby health may be restored to the social group. It is peculiarly necessary for us of the present, among whom the individual soul and will tend to be slighted and submerged.
In adapting certain of the meditations of Saint Peter of Alcantara for a part of this novena, the author also hopes to re-direct attention to the fund of spiritual aid and power latent in the work of this great Franciscan. Saint Peter has help for us all. And it is meet that Saint Francis be honored and invoked in the words of one of the noblest of his sons." (Author's Foreword)
Originally published in 1935 and again in 1953, this work has been revised in its formatting and enlarged by including the chant notation and Latin texts for the Cælorum Candor and Transitus (the "Passing" or "Death" of the Seraphic Father) as well as the English version of St. Francis’ Canticle of the Sun.
64 pages, softcover.
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