Trainer for Servers, Clergy & Sacristans
Master of Ceremonies
He's been called "the Gordon Ramsay of the sanctuary and sacristy" and with over 20 years of experience, Louis Tofari can help to perfect your servers, clergy and sacristans!
"Have altar, will travel"
If you are interested in bringing Louis Tofari to your parish for some on-site training, don't hesitate to contact him to speak to him about your needs and his fees.
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Altar Servers
Your altar servers are of great importance and comprise a major investment for your parish.
Louis Tofari offers training not only for the serving positions of Low, High and Solemn Mass, but also specific courses for Masters of Ceremonies, and seasonal and special rites such as Holy Week and Pontifical functions (read some testimonies).
Here's how Louis Tofari's comprehensive on-site training seminars can benefit your altar servers:
raise their serving standards resulting in edifying ceremonies
teach them not only what to do ceremonially, but also why
give focus to obtain personal holiness through their serving duties
help them better appreciate the immense privilege of serving
instill them with an enduring interest in the sacred liturgy
assist in fostering priestly vocations through intelligent and reverent service at God's altar
Masters of Ceremonies
In particular, Louis Tofari offers courses for Master of Ceremonies (often given over a weekend as an "MC Boot Camp") that provides them with a specialized knowledge for this important position (read some testimonies):
overview of the church building, especially the sanctuary and altar
explanation of the general principles of the ceremonies of the Roman Rite
review of material requisites such as vestments, sacred vessels, and liturgical books
review of the Missale Romanum's historical development, layout and setup
in-depth practices of the MC's position including how to assist at the missal
how to spiritually and practically prepare for this "privileged of privileged" serving positions
In addition to his usual MC training program, Louis Tofari also offers his own MC services and on-site training for your servers, clergy, and sacristans for seasonal or special ceremonies of a more complex nature (e.g., Holy Week).
Louis Tofari has extensive ceremonial experience as a Master of Ceremonies, not only in regularly-seen rites (e.g., High Mass), but also in seasonal, solemn, and pontifical functions.
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More and more clergy are becoming interested in the traditional Roman Liturgy and eager to learn its ceremonies!
Louis Tofari can help the clergy to obtain a sound formation in the traditional liturgy's spirit and principles of the Roman Liturgy in a variety of ways:
perfect the positions of inferior ministers (see Altar Servers above)
review the liturgical pronunciation of Latin
comprehensively train Masters of Ceremonies
help perfect the celebrant's offering of Mass
review the general principles that regulate the Roman Rite
teach the roles of sacred ministers for Solemn and Pontifical functions
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Church sacristans are nearly invisible as they go about their duties and yet they provide crucial assistance for all ceremonies. The sacristan is also a privileged position and one that can sanctify him through close contact with the sacred objects used for the worship of God.
Louis Tofari can assist your sacristans in a number of ways:
review the liturgical prescriptions that apply to the sanctuary and sacristy
give historical, symbolic and practical explanations about the altar, vestments, sacred vessels, etc. (learn the why behind the how)
provide efficient preparatory and maintenance procedures
assess the sacristy's organization and material requisites and make recommendations for improvements
make recommendations about improvements to material requisites
engender a greater importance and sense of privilege of the sacristan's role