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In this MP3 recording, Louis Tofari teaches the altar server's Latin responses for the traditional Roman Mass. Includes a word-by-word tutorial for the more difficult Latin words.

This recording gives the more romano pronunciation desired by Popes St. Pius X, Benedict XVI and Pius XI to be used in liturgical functions.

NOTE 1: This is a training recording that Louis Tofari has used in training servers for nearly 2 decades. A professionally-recorded and comprehensive version is currently under production and will be made available in the near future--hence, the low price.

NOTE 2: All of the Latin word pronunications are given in this recording, but not as they occur in every instance during the Mass (e.g., the Last Gospel's responses are not repeated as they were given earlier).


NOTE 3: This recording is intended to be used in conjunction with the Server's Mass Responses Card.

13.5mb--download link of MP3 file is provided after purchase.

Server's Mass Responses Instructional MP3

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