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Fr. Arthur Tonne | Bio


2 great books by Fr. Arthur Tonne in 1!


This book combines into a single volume two works of Fr. Arthur Tonne for the Lenten Season:

  • Lent and the Our Father
  • Lent and the Capital Sins


As Fr. Tonne explains about these works:

Lent and the Our Father
All of us know the words of the Our Father, but how many of us realize their meaning? That meaning is so deep we can never learn it all. Every word and every phrase of the prayer taught us by Our Lord Himself is full of importance. During this Lent we propose to point out the beautiful meaning of the Our Father.

Lent and the Capital Sins
We call these [pride, avarice, lust, anger, gluttony, envy and sloth] the seven capital sins because each is a source and seed from which all other sins proceed. They are the seven principal devils who deal out spiritual death. They are the seven principal diseases of the soul, the causes of all spiritual sickness. Christ drove them out of Mary Magdalen; He will drive them out of us, as we come into His Eucharistic presence during these Lenten days of penance and prayer. May the love of Christ drive out these seven sources of sin—His greatest enemies and our greatest enemies.


164 pages, softcover.


Talks for Lent

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