Master of Ceremonies Webinars
For the traditional Roman Mass
The unique and comprehensive MC Program of Louis Tofari is now being offered in segments as webinars! Each segment features presentation slides and explanations.
Target audience
These webinars are primarily directed to young men (14 or older) and adult men who are studying to become Masters of Ceremonies, as well as to the clergy.
However, this course is also available to men or women would like to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of the traditional Roman Mass.
Can't attend a live session? No problem! Each session (via Zoom) is video-recorded and available to all subscribers (and can be watched again and again).
What is a Master of Ceremonies?
Thur, July 21; 9:00am to 10:00am CST; $25.00
Its liturgical office, expectations of competency, and spiritual aspects
Practical tips for sacristy management and preparing for ceremonies
Liturgical Books of the Roman Rite
Thur, July 28; 9:00am to 10:00am CST; $45.00
Review of books and their development
Images of books featured
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Useful materials for MCs
These items are available from Romanitas Press:
The Mass: Up-Close in Pictures (helps with identifying the parts of the Mass) $12.50
The General Principles of Ceremonies of the Roman Rite (a must for all MCs!) Bk $13.75 | PDF $9.50
Ceremonial Notes (for serving Mass)
A Guide for Altar and Sanctuary (a valuable guide on the material requisites for Mass)
Bk $12.50 | PDF $9.50
Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and Missal
Bk $15.00 | PDF $11.50
Ordo (for determining the Mass of the day)
Bk $8.25 | PDF $9.50 | Android App $6.99
Coming soon: Master of Ceremonies Compendium
Curriculum of MC Program
The full curriculum consists of the following courses:
What is a Master of Ceremonies?
Its liturgical office, expectations of competency, and spiritual aspects
Practical tips for sacristy management and preparing for ceremonies
Church, Sanctuary, and Altar
Parts of church building
Purpose, character, and prescriptions concerning altar and its appointments
Sanctuary layout and furnishings
Sacred Vessels
Historical development and prescriptions
How to prepare
Altar and Chalice Linens
Historical development, symbolisms, and prescriptions
How to prepare
Sacred Vestments
Historical development
Symbolism and associated prayers
Preparation practicum
Liturgical Books of the Roman Rite
Review of all traditional books and their development
Images of books provided (as well as links for a closer review)
Missale Romanum
Historical development and reforms
Sectional review of the missal
Overview of classification rules and use of Ordo
How to prepare and assist at the missal
General Principles of Ceremonies of the Roman Rite
Review of rules as presented in book
Ceremonial terms and phrases
Gregorian Chants at Mass (and their impact)
Review of chants at Mass
Overview of Liber Usualis and how to reference
Practicum on MC's chant cues
Master of Ceremonies’ Position at Mass
Presentation at altar
Practicum with trainees