Priests Webinar
For the traditional Roman Mass
Louis Tofari hosts a 12-week webinar for priests so they better understand the liturgical requisites and perfect their sacred actions at the traditional Roman Mass.
Priests who are just learning the Latin Mass, as well as those who have been offering it for sometime, can benefit from this webinar—read some testimonies.
Course Structure and Objective
Louis Tofari uniquely presents the priestly actions with a pedagogical or building-block approach, thereby enabling a systematic and easy assimilation of the various aspects of celebrating the traditional Mass.
Another advantage of this methodology is that it provides the priest with a solid background about the liturgical matters under review.
Not only will the priest learn in detail how to offer the traditional Roman Mass in a worthy manner according to the rubrics of the Roman Rite, but consequently this knowledge will increase his confidence and devotion at the altar.
Organization and Costs
The webinar is presented via a live Zoom meetings along with screen-share presentations, digital handouts, and practicums. Each session is also video-recorded for later review/practice by subscribers.
Each session usually consists of 3 lessons of 50 minutes with breaks.
See below for a list of conditions and requirements.
The 12-week curriculum will be hosted:
Subscribe to 12-week curriculum: $500.00
During checkout, please provide the name of your diocese, or congregation, or seminary in the note box.
If you cannot attend the live meeting times, each session is video-recorded and can be watched at your convenience—live consultation is also available.
Required Materials
These additional items will be need to be purchased separately from the subscription fee.
A Priest’s Compendium
(PDF: $8.50)
A Guide for Altar and Sanctuary
(PDF: $9.50 / book: $12.50)
General Principles of Ceremonies of the Roman Rite
(PDF: $9.50 / book: $13.75)
Optional Materials
Some recommended items for the webinar.
Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and Missal
(PDF: $11.50 / book: $15.00)
De Defectibus Compendium
(PDF: $6.50 / book: $9.50)
The Priest's Chants and Recitatives at the Altar
(PDF: $8.00 / book: $13.75)
Webinar Curriculum
This is a breakdown of the materials and topics that will be covered.
Altar Missal Familiarization
Missale Romanum Sectional Review
Liturgical Calendar-Classifications Rules
Using an Ordo
Preparing Missal
Liturgical Books of Roman Rite
Traditional editions
Their development and contents
Priestly Material Requisites
Per traditional rubrics
Chalice Linens
Sacred Vessels
Safeguards and Reverences for Sacred Species
Church Building, Sanctuary and Altar
Traditional Parts and Prescriptions
Undoing Wreckovations
Restoring Sense of Sacred
Latin Pronunciation Basics
General Principles
Rubrical Sources and Practice Tips
Tones of Voice during Mass
Posture, Gestures and Reverences
General Deportment at Altar
Carrying Chalice and Birettequette
Hands in Celebration of Mass
Preliminary Notions
Joined Hands: Before Breast, Face, and on Altar
Hands Disjoined
Hands Laid on Altar
Using Missal (ribbons, tabs, turning pages)
Hands at Missal
Signs of Cross and Striking Breast
Combined Actions
Gloria and Collect
Hanc igitur, Unde et memores, Last Blessing
Orate fratres—Te igitur—to Memento
General Notions about Host and Chalice
Paten at Offertory
Chalice at Offertory
Hands Occupied and Arms Leaning on Altar
Consecrations and Elevations Actions
Minor Elevation Actions
Fraction Rite Actions
Final Considerations
Celebrant's Communion and Ablutions
Last Gospel and Leonine Prayers
Consecrating Additional Hosts and Distributing Communion
Louis Tofari is by far the most knowledgeable person I know of the traditional Latin Mass and Church history.
What I enjoyed the most about this training is that Louis always had deep insights on the rubrics. His answers were always satisfying and I received more than what I expected. Furthermore, Louis’ availability beyond the training is very generous. I highly recommend this training.
I have gained great confidence to celebrate the Mass, and enough knowledge to even give a talk to my parishioners about the traditional Latin Mass. Finally, the resources that he provided were trustworthy and easy to follow.
In short, I was extremely satisfied with this webinar. Fr. Ricardo Arriola (Galveston-Houston, TX Archdiocese)
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Louis Tofari is a well-informed and highly skilled rubrician. He delights in researching the ars celebrandi, and generously shares the fruits of his efforts with priests and other ministers of the sacred liturgy at every level.
Louis strives to penetrate the theological vision that animates and under-girds the rules governing the movements, gestures, and words of the sacred ministers.
All ministers of the sacred rites, whether neophytes or seasoned veterans, stand to benefit immensely from Louis’ clear and insightful presentation of the principles that guide the ceremonies of the classical Roman Rite.
Through his books, webinars and personal in-service training sessions, Louis Tofari communicates accurately and effectively the serene logic, eminent practicality, flawless dignity and chaste sobriety that mark the Roman Rite.
As an instructor, Louis wears his erudition lightly, combining a radiant enthusiasm with limitless patience. He warmly encourages questions posed by participants, and provides thoughtful answers based on meticulous research and sound pastoral wisdom.
Every priest and minister of the altar should get to know Louis Tofari, a reliable guide to a confident and reverent celebration of the Sacred Mysteries. Fr. Neil J. Roy, S.T.L., Ph.D. (Peterborough Diocese, Ontario, Canada)
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I highly recommend Mr. Louis Tofari's Webinar for Priests to learn the Usus Antiquior. Because my seminary didn't offer the training, I had to learn the traditional Mass outside of the seminary. I was further handicapped by not growing up in the Traditional rites; not serving priests in the traditional Latin Mass, observing their prayer, manners, and actions and not being able to ask them questions
While I had a very good and patient teacher, I didn't have a lot of time to devote to the study of the rubrics. Because of the priest's many duties, (after my initial instruction) most of my knowledge of the traditional Mass was learned on one day or another a few minutes in the sacristy before Mass, nervously pouring over rubrics. The august Sacrifice of the Mass is too important to be learned in a piece-meal way in between Masses or as a question arises.
It is amazing the number of things I did not know. And I am not alone. I hear it in the questions from my brother priests and see it in their celebration of the Mass ...not a malicious disregard but mistakes born of ignorance. Learning the traditional Roman Rite with Mr. Tofari was a tremendous blessing because it is comprehensive. From start-to-finish: spirituality, history, practicality, precision of the rubrics as argued by rubricians over the years, errors that may arise, etc.
What is especially edifying, refreshing, and comforting is that Mr. Tofari does not have an agenda except to help priests perform the rites as the Church offers them to her children. He binds himself not with what one parish does, what one religious orders prefers, or what he once saw somewhere but with what is said in the formula of intention that a priest should say before Mass, which reads in part: "to consecrate the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the rite of the Holy Roman Church to the praise of God Almighty...". That is what is right and just and fitting for such a sacrifice. Not random opinions. But the rubrics of the Missal and the distilled, esteemed determinations of the best expert rubricians of the past.
Lastly, what was seemingly a mere modern perk is certainly a great practical advantage. With the lessons spaced at every week, the priest-participants are able to practice, study, and develop questions between each session. Many of the speed-courses offered around the country have the participants back on the plane before they know what hit them. This slower pace is more like a seminary course which allows time for development and integration and even spiritual reflection. Fr. Evans Julce (Brooklyn, NY Diocese)
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I registered for the program after having celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass for two years. Notwithstanding my experience and prior training, I thought that I should take the Romanitas Press course to ensure that I am proficient at celebrating the Mass. I most certainly have benefited from taking this course and from Louis’ wealth of knowledge. I recommend all priests to take this course whether new to the TLM or wishing to sharpen their skills. Fr. Grayson Hope (Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada)
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Having had the privilege of following Mr. Louis Tofari’s priest webinar on the Traditional Latin Mass, I can attest to the fact that Mr. Tofari has a vast wealth of knowledge of this venerable old rite, of the proper ways of celebrating the ancient Mass, and the pitfalls priests might have a tendency to fall into while attempting to celebrate it well. I highly recommend this webinar to any priests who are interested in their Roman Catholic heritage and in their “right” of celebrating this ancient rite!!! Fr. Brad Smith (Congregation of the Oratory of Port Antonio, Jamaica)
Webinars conditions
These webinars are intended for Roman Catholic priests, but seminarians may also subscribe.
Only the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church may subscribe to these seminars. To verify their ecclesiastical status, participants will need to provide the name of their diocese, or religious congregation, or seminary of affiliation.
Due to the extended 12-week length of the curriculum, session dates are tentative. Subscribers will be kept updated per a weekly basis. If required, a rain-check session will be rescheduled.
Lessons will be recorded in case a participant is called away or cannot tune-in.
The webinars will be hosted via Zoom and after payment for each segment, the login info will be emailed to the participant.
If two people are viewing from the same device, both must pay individually.
Participants must a use a computer/laptop/tablet fully enabled with speakers, microphone, and display. Zoom’s screen-sharing mode (via its interface) will also be utilized. Please test your device's functionality before the first lesson you attend.
Lessons will require additional materials which may be purchased in PDF format, or in advance, via print (book format).
Free resources will also be provided for certain lessons.
Please note: if a subscriber pays for the webinar and then seeks a refund, a non-refundable $100.00 cancellation fee will be retained by Romanitas Press.