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A Liturgical Commentary

Dom Jean Gaillard, OSB; author | Rev. William Busch; translator

1957 reprint


This commentary by a French Benedictine offers a goldmine of reflections for the most sacred part of the Church's liturgical calendar!


Spread over 18 chapters [see the Contents page image above], Dom Gaillard begins with 2 preliminary underlying topics ("The Paschal Mystery and Its Celebration" and "Spirit and Letter of the Paschal Feasts"), and then delves into each day of Holy Week, from Palm Sunday, through the weekdays and then the Sacred Triduum itself, devoting 6 chapters alone to the "The Most Holy Night of the Pasch", and finally, the Octave of Easter ("The Week of the White Robes").


To get an idea of Dom Gaillard's approach and commentary style, see the page images above from a sample chapter.


As described in the Foreword of this book by Bishop Peter Bartholome (of St. Cloud, Minnesota):

Holy Week and the Easter Octave is the centre and pivot of the entire liturgical year, for the events re-lived during that time are the very heart of the Christian religion. Our Savior's redemptive death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead inaugurate the supernatural life of grace in the souls of men. All other events commemorated in the liturgical year lead up to Holy Week and Easter, and the Paschal Season and Pentecostal Season for the balance of the year remind us of the fruits of His redemption and resurrection. (...)

It is not enough that the observance of the Easter Vigil be introduced in our parishes, it requires adequate preparation by instruction and exhortation in order that it may bring about the spiritual development which the Pope [Pius XII] desires and expects. The Season of Lent was set aside by the Church to make this preparation and looks to the Easter Vigil as the goal.

We are, indeed, grateful to the author, Dom Jean Gaillard, for this commentary on the liturgy of Holy Week and the Easter Octave, in which he places the Easter Vigil in its immediate setting and thus brings out the fulness of its meaning and purpose.

In a series of meditations on the sacred events of these days he combines historical information and spiritual inspiration. He lays great stress upon the Easter Vigil service as a personal and community experience of our sharing in the risen life of Our Lord through the graces of Baptism and the Eucharist.


Softcover, 180 pages.


Holy Week and Easter

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