For the traditional Roman Missal and Breviary
NB: The covers were printed off-center.
CHECK OUT our discounted 2024 Ordo Combo offer!
An Ordo is an indispensable resource for clergy, sacristans, masters of ceremonies and even the laity to properly follow the 1962 calendar of the traditional Roman Missal (Latin Mass) and Breviary (Divine Office).
Published annually, this 176-page book is officially entitled in Latin as Ordo Divini Officii Persolvendi Missaeque Sacrificii Peragendi Pro Anno Domini 2024 (The Order of the Divine Office Recited and of the Sacrifice of the Mass Celebrated for the Year of our Lord 2024).
As a reference guide, the Ordo applies the calendar rubrics of the missal and breviary in an easy-to-follow format for each liturgical day of the year, so you don't have to figure them out for yourself.
Offered since 1979, this printed Ordo is the first and longest-running traditional edition available in English. In addition to the typical entries found in ordos, this version uniquely features these useful items:
- Listings of proper feasts observed in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand
Options for Votive and Requiem Masses (and festivities formerly listed in pre-1962 calendar)
Pulpit announcements for liturgical year
Excerpts from Rubricae Generales section
Table of Precedence
Decrees for American dioceses
Intentions and prayers for Octave of Unity
Act of Reparation to Sacred Heart of Jesus
Consecration of Human Race to Sacred Heart
Consecration of All People to the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Blaise Blessing of Throats
Notes for annual ceremonies (Candlemas, Holy Week, etc.)
and more (click on the images to view the gallery)!
Romanitas Press' Ordo is not only the most comprehensive edition available for the traditional Missal and Breviary, but also considered by many as the most accurate, year after year.
176 pages with tables and appendixes. Saddle-stitched.
See a 2021 pictorial review by Fr. Zuhlsdorf (WDTPRS blog)
[NOTE: since 2022 the cover has been saddlestitched, not perfectbound as seen in his pics. Saddlestiching enables a lower printing cost and the book to lay open flat.]
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