Liturgicae Institutiones—Tractatus Tertius
Sectio prior: De rebus cultus materialibus
Editio altera emendtior; 1937
C. Callewaert, J.C.D. | author bio
As denoted by its subtitle, De rebus cultus materialibus, this frequently-cited book covers liturgical material requisites such as the sacred vessels, vestments and linens, the form of the altar and its corresponding appointments, the symbolism of the various colors, the church edifice and more.
As attested in the book’s approbatio by Bishop Henricus Lamiroy (1883-1952) of Bruges (Callewaert’s local ordinary):
"We freely approve this third volume of Liturgical Institutions, the subject matter of which is the Liturgy of the Roman Missal. In this volume, the author, with great erudition and astute judgment of documents, expounds the origin and evolution of the material elements as well as the rules to be followed in their use. We are confident that this precious volume will effectively contribute to a further understanding of the liturgy, to the splendor of worship as well as to a wholesome piety of priests and lay people."
And as mentioned in The Book of Ceremonies by L. O’Connell while speaking of Callewaert’s Caeremoniale:
"This is perhaps the clearest description of all ordinary ceremonies and is written by an outstanding authority. It is complemented by another book of the author, De Missalis Romani Liturgia. Together these two books give a comprehensive treatment of rubrics and ceremonies. Callewaert is unusual for his depth of treatment. He gives the meaning and reason behind ceremonies whenever useful and always lists carefully his sources. His book is written in Latin and, unfortunately, is not published in this country. We recommend it without reservation..."
Latin only, 102 pages; 44.1mb.